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Laura Reinhold
Aug 13, 20205 min read
Creative Horsemanship: Improving Yourself on a Budget
As horseback riding becomes more and more of a niche activity, relegated to either rural folks who still make use of horses as work...
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Laura Reinhold
May 6, 20206 min read
Preparing for vacation....without your horse
My father used to be of the opinion that one could either own horses or one could travel, but never both. My mother, on the other hand,...
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Mar 20, 20208 min read
The role of emotions in horse training
There are many different (and good) sources of information that will all say the same thing regarding the role emotions in horse...
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Mar 6, 20196 min read
The One-Rein Stop: Not Just For Emergencies
Many equestrians can tell dramatic stories of when a one-rein stop saved their hide in a harrowing situation. However, the less...
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Mar 4, 201911 min read
The benefits of buying your child a horse
Over the years, I have met many people who erroneously believe that purchasing a horse might be a good investment opportunity. Perhaps...
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Dec 3, 20189 min read
The perfect kid's horse
As a small child, I had the most wonderful and perfect pony a little girl could ever dream of. She was heaven-sent, as safe and careful...
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Jan 15, 20188 min read
The role of reward in horse training
Most of the people I work with are not very keen on the idea of causing a horse discomfort, even temporarily in the pursuit of a goal. As...
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Nov 8, 20179 min read
To blanket or not to blanket...
....that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous winter, or to take arms against a...
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Oct 18, 20178 min read
WHOA!: teaching voice commands in a way that works
Inevitably, when I talk about teaching voice commands to horses, there will always be one or two people in the group who insist that...
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Oct 16, 201714 min read
Horse Shopping: how to go about acquiring a new horse
So, you've decided to buy a horse. You've been taking riding lessons, you've read every book you could lay your hands on about horse...
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Oct 13, 20175 min read
That elusive "feel"-ing
“Feel” has to be one of the most difficult-to-define horsemanship terms, as well as the most difficult concept to teach. I am not alone...
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Oct 10, 20175 min read
The problem versus the symptom
Recently, I was watching a young child attempt to open a gate. She was struggling with the latch, which was a simple chain that wraps...
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Sep 28, 20177 min read
Bits and Bitting
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that, as humans, we tend to think like humans and form our decisions based on our opinions and...
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Sep 28, 201711 min read
City Riding: a trail-riding guide for the urban equestrian
Born and raised in Wyoming, I grew accustomed to being able to ride my horses anywhere and everywhere. Only rarely were places...
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Sep 28, 20176 min read
Winter Horsekeeping
The most dreaded time of year for us horse folks is drawing near, and we must prepare! No matter what part of the country you find...
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Sep 28, 201711 min read
Understanding Pressure
pres·sure /ˈpreSHər/ noun 1.the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it. "the slight...
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Sep 28, 201715 min read
Horsey Housing
A question I often get from clients who are wanting to purchase a horse of their own is, "Where should my horse live?" Most of the time,...
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Sep 28, 201719 min read
Elements of effective training
In my last post I talked about what a horse needs and how the natural drive to ensure that his needs are met will influence his behavior....
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Sep 28, 20179 min read
What a horse needs
In the last post I talk about the importance of goal-setting in horsemanship, specifically in our approach to new, young, inexperienced,...
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Sep 28, 20176 min read
Goal-setting in horsemanship
In light of the two recent horse acquisitions in my circle of people and the necessity to do more with these equines than "just ride,"...
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