Michelle with a group lesson

Learning about parts of the horse

Michelle with Karen on Cariah

Michelle teaching parts of the bridle and how the bit functions

Michelle with students Tatum (on her horse Dancer) and Jayden (on Revenue)

Blake on Cariah on South Table Mountain

Tatum, all pretty in purple, next to Nacho

Michelle teaching Jessie on Duke in the round pen at Brill Ranch

Laura working with Scott on Revenue

Michelle riding Cariah at Westblade Park

Michael on Cariah

Laura and Luna, South Table Mountain

Michell with a group lesson in Westblade Park

Kate on Cariah

Michelle teaching Tatum about saddling on Duke

Jayden fly spraying Cariah

Tunka learning about water on South Table Mountain

Cariah at a birthday party at Westblade Park

Luna getting painted at a birthday party at Westblade park

Saint Luna getting all painted up by the attendees of a birthday party at Westblade Park

The smallest attendee of the birthday party on Cariah at Westblade Park

Laura's best attempt at a selfie during the Mt. Mettle endurance ride in 2016

Nacho waiting patiently outside of the 7-11 in Golden

Haley on Cariah

Bella on Luna during a job shadow in 2017

Kasyia on Cariah (hey, that rhymes)

Haley on Cariah

Michelle M. practicing sidepassing on Luna

Lazy, lazy Luna

Nacho burning off some steam

Michelle playing with a filly

Cariah and Luna after enjoying a nice roll in the Jeffco indoor during a 2016 snowstorm

Pretty in pink (and light-up pink, too!)

Nacho 2017

Luna all painted up at the birthday party

Nacho and Laura at Mountain Mettle Endurance Ride 2017

Luna and Michelle M.

Luna and McKenzie 2018

Michelle with a group lesson

Learning about parts of the horse

Michelle with Karen on Cariah

Michelle teaching parts of the bridle and how the bit functions

Michelle with students Tatum (on her horse Dancer) and Jayden (on Revenue)

Blake on Cariah on South Table Mountain

Tatum, all pretty in purple, next to Nacho

Michelle teaching Jessie on Duke in the round pen at Brill Ranch

Laura working with Scott on Revenue

Michelle riding Cariah at Westblade Park

Michael on Cariah

Laura and Luna, South Table Mountain

Michell with a group lesson in Westblade Park

Kate on Cariah

Michelle teaching Tatum about saddling on Duke

Jayden fly spraying Cariah

Tunka learning about water on South Table Mountain

Cariah at a birthday party at Westblade Park

Luna getting painted at a birthday party at Westblade park

Saint Luna getting all painted up by the attendees of a birthday party at Westblade Park

The smallest attendee of the birthday party on Cariah at Westblade Park

Laura's best attempt at a selfie during the Mt. Mettle endurance ride in 2016

Nacho waiting patiently outside of the 7-11 in Golden

Haley on Cariah

Bella on Luna during a job shadow in 2017

Kasyia on Cariah (hey, that rhymes)

Haley on Cariah

Michelle M. practicing sidepassing on Luna

Lazy, lazy Luna

Nacho burning off some steam

Michelle playing with a filly

Cariah and Luna after enjoying a nice roll in the Jeffco indoor during a 2016 snowstorm

Pretty in pink (and light-up pink, too!)

Nacho 2017

Luna all painted up at the birthday party

Nacho and Laura at Mountain Mettle Endurance Ride 2017

Luna and Michelle M.

Luna and McKenzie 2018